Caldwell Middle School Residency Day 5 – Friday, January 11, 2013

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Friday, January 11, 2013 was day five and the final day of my residency at Caldwell Middle School through a grant administered by Story Tapestries and the Houma Regional Arts Council.


It was such a fun day. All of the stories that the students wrote in their teams were shared in class. I gave out awards including “The Young Writers Award,” which went to every student in every class. I wanted them to know how proud I was of all of their achievements during the week.



One story from each class was published on my website. Then I chose one story from the entire fourth grade to be adapted into a story theater script. The winning story was the tale of “Roachpunzel.”



The story was a remix of “Rapunzel,” except that it was set in New York City and the princess was trapped in a skyscraper. All of the students in each class acted out the story. I made roach hats for the prince and Roachpunzel. So adorable!



It was an amazing week! The residency allowed me to reinforce what the teachers were already teaching about writing: point of view, figurative language, literary devices, punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary. I was so happy with the way the residency turned out. There was great student success and every student had ownership in the process of writing.


A special thank you and big hugs to the three fourth grade teachers I worked with: Melissa Guidry, Allison Funguy, and Shelly Bergeron. What a fantastic week!



Congratulations to the Caldwell Middle School fourth grade for being such creative, imaginative, and awesome young writers! I’ll miss you guys!


A big thank you goes to Arianna Ross of Story Tapestries, the Houma Regional Arts Council, and Principal Jessica Rosado for affording me the opportunity to work with the fourth grade at Caldwell Middle School. It was an “egg-ceptional” experience!




Categories Artist Residency, Arts, arts education, Author, Award, Children, Children's Books, Children's Stories, Dianne de Las Casas, Language Arts, Literacy, Organization, Performance, Reading, Stories, story theater, Storyteller, Storytelling, Teaching Artist, The Little "Read" Hen, writing

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