The Big Bad Breakdown by Tate, Axel, Danajae and Lucien

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There once lived a chicken named Cluckette and a giraffe named Robbie. They were heading out to Hawaii when their car broke down on a deserted desert road.


“Just great! The car broke down and I didn’t bring my tools with me!” complained Cluckette.


“I think there are some spare tools in the trunk,” proclaimed Robbie.


Cluckette popped the hood and from the midst of the engine, smoke crept through the air. The chicken tried to call her bok bok crew but she didn’t have service on her bok bok phone.


“I don’t have any service on my phone either!” muttered Robbie.


Robbie and Cluckette were desperate to fix the car so they could go to Hawaii.


“Let me see those tools so I can fix the car. I want us to get out of here,” said Cluckette.


“I think we need a new part,” announced Robbie.


“I know what I’m doing!” said Cluckette.


All you could hear was “Clank!” “Clatter!” and “Bang!”


“I can do this now. I just remembered how to fix it!” exclaimed Robbie. Robbie fix the car with the help of Cluckette. They started to journey to Hawaii.


When they arrived in Hawaii, they gaped at the scenery. They enjoyed the beauty. Later, they snickered and tottered all over the place, Cluckette in her “bok bok bokini” and Robbie in his long johns. They lived happily ever after!


Categories Artist, Artist Residency, Arts, arts education, Author, Children, Children's Stories, Dianne de Las Casas, Language Arts, Literacy, Reading, Stories, Storyteller, Storytelling, Teaching Artist, Travel, writing

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