Bissonet Plaza Elementary Residency – Little Blue Riding Fish by Alexis
on December 14, 2012Little Blue Riding Fish
By Alexis
Ms. Mora’s fourth grade class
Once upon a time, a little blue fish was swimming to his grandmothers house. He was stopped by big bad eagle. “Well hello yumm… I, I, I mean little blue fish. What are you doing?”
“I am going to my grandmother’s house. She is very sick. She got stung by an eel!” Said Little Blue Riding Fish.
The big bad eagle said, “Oh, I am so sorry. Might you tell me where she is?”
So the blue fish told the big bad eagle, and the eagle soared through the air to get to grandma’s house before the little fish.
As you know, the big bad eagle went and knocked on grandma’s door. Of course, she opened it. The eagle took grandma and put her in his mouth and ate her. Then the eagle took her clothes out of the closet and put them on. After a couple of minutes, the little blue fish knocked on the door.
“Come in, come in, darling.” The little fish walked in and saw how strange grandma looked.
“Why grandma, your mouth, nose, and ears look swollen. What happened?”
The big bad eagle, disguised as grandma, said, “Oh you will be swollen in my stomach!” Before the fish could swim away, the eagle grabbed him and ate him.
Since that time, no one has seen or heard of the little blue riding fish and grandma ever again.
The End
Categories Artist Residency, arts education, Author, Children's Stories, Dianne de Las Casas, Stories, Teaching Artist, writing
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