January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 29, 2009
Friends: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 was my last day at Strehle Elementary for my Tangram Tales residency. It was the big performance day where the upper grades performed Tangram Tales for the lower grades. The 3rd graders performed for the pre-K students, the 5th graders performed for kindergarten and the 4th graders performed for 1st [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 27, 2009
Friends: Today was Day 9 of my 10-day Tangram residency. This was my last day for classroom visits. I saw PK through 2nd grades twice and worked with grades 3-5 for three classroom periods. It was a whirlwind visit. My first class was Ms. Jones’ Kindergarten class. I was still trying to work through a [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 26, 2009
Friends: Friday was a rough day at school mostly because I was working through a very hoarse voice. My cold turned into bronchitis and the drip caused terrible laryngitis. Talking to 7 classes a day doesn’t help recovery either. Still, I had fantastic classes who really understood and cooperated. My first two classes were spent [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 22, 2009
Friends: Today marked Day 7 at Strehle with my Tangram Tales residency. I began in Ms. Creecy’s 4th grade class. They were a great group. They created a fantastic rap with beats for the story chorus, with Nelbert leading on the beats. It was so much fun. Congratulations to Gavin and Chase, who performed their [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 22, 2009
Friends: 6th day at Strehle began in 4th grade. Sometimes, this chatty bunch is sometimes hard to settle down and this group was no exception. It took a while to organize the class and solicit their input for the creation of the story chorus. They were a challenge and we did not make it all [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 22, 2009
Friends: On Tuesday, I left my camera in a first grade classroom so when I went home, I was unable to blog! So here I am catching up. My 5th day at Strehle began in 4th grade. The students enjoyed their introduction to Tangrams and loved creating the Tangram pictures. After 4th grade, it was [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 17, 2009
Friends: Today, I performed my “Jump, Jiggle & Jam” show at Norco K-3 Elementary for 350 students. It was literacy week and the students and teachers were dressed in their favorite character costumes. Look at this lovely ballerina… I began the show with my “Jump, Jiggle & Jam” intro song. Two helpers, Joseph (the bee) [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 16, 2009
Friends: Today was my birthday and it was a fabulous day! I woke up to a breakfast of banana bread (with a candle), turkey bacon, yogurt, apple juice, two dozen red roses & gifts! Eliana, my 8 year old, gave me an exercise mat, which she knew I wanted. My husband, Antonio, surprised me with [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 15, 2009
Friends: Today was Day 3 at Strehle Elementary doing my Tangram Tales Story Theater arts education residency.My morning began with another teacher welcoming me back to Strehle, telling me how much both the teachers and the students love my presence at the school. It is mutual admiration because I love being at this school as [...]
January 2009
by Dianne de Las Casas on January 14, 2009
Friends: Today marked Day 2 of my Tangram Tales Residency at Strehle Elementary. My morning began with a good laugh in the teacher’s lounge followed by such a heartwarming compliment from Mr. Choppa, who said that I had “value” and that everyone was glad to see me back at Strehle. Now that is what I [...]
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